Feel free to perve
No matter where U are
What U are
Disregard your age
Be pervy all the time
Whip yer bottoms
Cream yer dreams
Feel free to perve
That's the scene

©Steve C'est La Vie
PS. Perve on regardless in answer to JR Hartley

He lies weak, emaciated
Struggling to survive
The onslaught of his death throes
Absent from our minds.
His fate when in his coffin
A crumbling mass of sores
No makeup from the undertaker
He'll just lie in sweet repose
The animals are dying
In the lab laid out in the home
Scientists searching for an answer
to human ails and woes.
A martyr for the reason
of laboratory vivisection.
For cures for human ailments
The animals must go
to the meat rack in the clouds.
Animals on Trial,
Humans in the court,
One dying for the cause
of Animal Liberation
Hunger striking at dem bones
for the sickness in not health
but governments refusal
to let the animals go.

Dedicated to Barry Horne,
An Animal Rights protestor
©Steve C'est la vie

Been Made
U. Me. It.
What now?
This, that,
we want
Toys for the boys
What for?
Fir boys games.
Countries unknown
let, loose.
Monkey House.
Who's deranged?
U. Me.
It. How?
Just becoz
of Mass Hypnotization.
Who thinks?
Only them,
With media blindness
Who dies?
The Unblinkered
Who cares?
Them that
Survived perhaps.

©Steve C'est la Vie

Now we are in the land
of the red ones
where hopefully people will
have finally been blown
grey daze gone,
A smile for all
the treadmill torn up
we'll be off the road to ruin.
The sad grey daze are over.
The sky no longer blue
just hope the one,
and only red
is not a fascist
red dwarf.

©Steve C'est La Vie

It's time of war
The surgeon said
As I lay there
With a severed head
Bleeding, bleeding profusely,
A! contorted guttural language.
Burble, Burble
I cried Fountains
From my broken neck
Where's my head?
It woz lost in the war son
Which one could that be?
Just the f***in same one son
That's happening on the planet now!
Somewhere every second
someone's brutalised,
Try not to die
Fighting for controlled,
in control Fuckers.

©Steve c'est la Vie

Sad to see, and say,
The BROWN'S back in Town,
Bringing those who're on the brink,
Far away from the GREEN Sugary FLUID!
Around our Towns' heads! Our dead still roam.
The Milestone house is but a shrine,
Where people loved, and memories
Of those gone will forever call home.
Pop Stars, Thespians
Movie Makers, Icons of society,
Lots of people like U and me.
For this city's THE BROWN's
Much darker than Pollution's smog shroud.
The Needles song,
The Headstones sing,
For them that are still unborn.
A SMACK attack,
Already there's too many snuffed!
My dedications to those I've lost
Would take a page.
So think before U use,
Before U find its too late.
Don't end up that HIV way.

©Steve C'est La Vie, non RIP
(Dedicated tae Shug McDonald, Curnie, all TCR and anybody and everybody that's suffered from it)

We're back in the hands
Of the Ku Klu Klan
Dancing with wolves
Under cover of the dark,
Maiming brothers and sisters
From a different race.
Hands up the persons
Wh wield fist or glass
Against our coloured brethren?
Knock down our sister
In the street.
All quiet in the West End
No one screams out
Or stops another
Massive racist attack.
We're all the same
beneath our clothes
Sweating our our hearts
Breaking up our bones.
British movement means
Multi-cultural class,
Not a white supremacist
Who goes where? Who
stays here?
Let's live together
Hand in hand
While the planet lasts.

©Steve Cestlavie

A winter CRIMBO CUMS again,
Must every single one remain the same?
Always frozen ground in Britain,
Flowers and crops no longer grow.
Many people and persons,
Huddled together or apart,
In skippers never out of the cold,
Doorways are no shelter, no-one growing,
Just surviving, barely living, hiding,
From yet another bastard of a blizzard.
TREES look burnt out from lack of leaves,
At least next spring they'll be alive,
Human beings though have NOTHIN'.
Just nice thoughts that one day, some day,
Warmth and shelter, happiness. Maybe a
IS ALL they'll know.
Are there any more sad tales to tell or have to happen,
Don't you/we all think that?
And CRIMBOS would be happy happy happy,
All thee TIME TIME TIME. 'ET AL'!!!

©Steve C'est la Vie

Tory plan B has it all cut and dries
For fraudulent exsistences
They want us back to work.
Magic, Magnificent, Minimum, Money.
Working for the Man for a dollar a day -
Single mums with bouncin' babes
Employed in the nurseries
As slaves.
Disabled, Disillusioned, Disowned.
Dumped in the grave.
Tied up in the scapheap,
Not one to be saved.
Scoweled at. Cajoled!
Gotta crawl to sign on.
The doors are wide opem,
There's JOBS for us all.
Economies booming.
Loud ladders to success.
The Government bond! When ?

©Steve C'est La Vie

Lying in the streets
The doorway doesn't know what it means.
The rain's ripped off ma boots
I can't go nowhere
got to lie here half-asleep
Christians say there is a Hell,
Ain't it here, there everyday
We've only got one planet
Don't make the people go away
Just one lot of children
Played on Hiroshima Day

©Steve C'est la Vie

Out here in the Streets
The lights sometimes go out,
DARKNESS prevails
The night takes hold
The Hand of Fate
Strikes the dispossessed
The Homeless and the Dead
Don't Have no way
Of climbing out of
Their own faecal mess,
Down, Down, Down
No Voice is Loud enuff.
The system hears no crys
Left out in the cold
A statistic
A number,
A non being,
A dosser
A low life.
The Almighty don't care,
The streets make U def
When will it change
When the Sun falls
Into the sea?
A new day will Dawn
When the Planet
Has Gone

©Steve C'est La Vie

The sea is our master, also a monster.
It is not our home, nor is it a place to stay too long.
Like grey hulks of convict ships
a monstrosity from years long gone,
Just a rockin' and a rollin' on the waves.
There a seaside crew
interns a sea like hell,
beyond seeing dawn.
For the moment, or perhaps
never again
the lights of a not too distant seaside town,
beckoning, telling of a life
beyond a strict regime of older daze,
of stricter tortures and manacles.
Cutting, gnawing into brain and bone,
flogging rituals rack and ruin.
Captain Bligh returns to haunt
and close
the grimly clanging, ghoulish, grey metal doors,
mind sapping surf, bring memories
of no escape from Alcatraz.
To the floating unforgivable black hole
Tied up in their screamin' mind and souls.
while wives and children give
us friendly waves
from a not too distant shore.
I really think the government
should keep this one on hold.

©Steve C'est La Vie

Oh Dear,
You're free to Dance Again.
The Racist Connotations,
Waiting far into our minds.
Innocence is guilty.
Trials and tribulations of our times.
So sad the perpetrators remain.
Hope no one else dies,
For the Tabloids,
Or maybe Rosemary West,
Can play the same old
Fucking Game

©Steve C'est la Vie

Death Wish 2000, a Crystal Palace bomb
Thee non-futuristic Millenium Dome
Built with sweat of our lottery bones
A grndiose artefact to reel in the new
Spin back the years for the age of the future.
Space in yer mind, out there to outlast
The chronicles and stories of mankind's glorious LIFE.
A monstorous 2000 years of technological triumphs,
Celebration for all that is right.
You're welcome to happiness, satisfaction for ALL,
Thee second Millenium singing its song
Belating the praises of Dolly the clone.
For all achievements that our kind have dun
The mole around the millenium
Digging it up to have some fun
It'll be nice`n'happi second time round
In sunny Greenwich destroying the trees and a park
Good times for U and I, everyone,
Ain't no doom for the millennia's modernistic
Plastic dream:
Just feathers in the cap
Of our and only Millenium Gnome.

©Steve C'est La Vie

Men Fight
For Peace
Men, Women,
Children Die.
Commerce collapses,
Kills Futures,
Kill NOW,
Mankind Bastard!
Makes Decision,
To Gouge
To Destroy Lives
World Dead
By Bomb Mind.
Eradicate Power
Of Righteous,
Zombie Controllers,
Result Peace
No War, No Problem.
.....Perhaps One Day

©Steve C'est La Vie

A drawing of Steve